Mint.Hardware.BarcodeScanner.ZebexZ6910M by: Mint.Hardware.BarcodeScanner.ZebexZ6910M
  • 0 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.1
  • Scanner BarcodeScanner Zebex ZebexZ6910M
Barcode scanner Zebex Z-6910M
Mint.Hardware.Bluetooth.Raspberry by: Mint.Hardware.Bluetooth.Raspberry
  • 15 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
  • raspberry bluetooth
Hardware for raspberry bluetooth
Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.CpiBNR by: sdatsyuk
  • 460 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.2.50
  • Tag1 Tag2
Cpi Bnr cash machine
Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.Entities by: Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.Entities
  • 223 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.38
  • CashRecycler Entities
Cash recycler entities
Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.GloryCI10 by: Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.GloryCI10
  • 0 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
  • CashRecycler GloryCI10
Cash recycler Glory CI-10
Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.TestCashRecycler by: Mint.Hardware.CashRecycler.TestCashRecycler
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
  • CashRecycler TestCashRecycler
Test cash recycler
Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.Entities by: Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.Entities
  • 73 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.3
  • ControlScales Entities
Control scales entities
Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.MintControlScales by: Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.MintControlScales
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
Control scales MintControlScales driver
Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.MintV2ControlScales by: Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.MintV2ControlScales
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
  • ControlScales
Control scales MintV2ControlScales driver
Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.SupmeterBST106M60S by: Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.SupmeterBST106M60S
  • 132 total downloads
  • Latest version:
  • ControlScales
Control scales Supmeter BST106M60S driver
Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.YaohuaXK3190A12E by: Mint.Hardware.ControlScales.YaohuaXK3190A12E
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.1
  • ControlScales
Control scales YaohuaXK3190A12E driver
Mint.Hardware.Devices.Entities by: Mint.Hardware.Devices.Entities
  • 26 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.2
Models of device types and a detailed model of the device for communication through erial or modbus protocol
Mint.Hardware.Display.Communicators by: Mint.Hardware.Display.Communicators
  • 13 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.6
Display communication layer
Mint.Hardware.Display.Faytech by: Mint.Hardware.Display.Faytech
  • 25 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.11
Faytech Display
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsEFP2480 by: User
  • 85 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.8
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsFP320 by: User
  • 33 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.1
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsFP3530T by: User
  • 33 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.1
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsFP700 by: Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsFP700
  • 91 total downloads
  • Latest version:
  • FiscalPrinter DatecsFP700
Datecs FP700 Fiscal Printer (Datecs protocol) Add GetLastFiscalReceiptNumber and GetLastRefundFiscalReceiptNumber
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.DatecsFP700Tcp by: User
  • 33 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.1
Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.Entities by: Mint.Hardware.FiscalPrinter.Entities
  • 274 total downloads
  • Latest version:
  • FiscalPrinter Entities
Fiscal printer entities. Version changes: add FiscalPrinterProduct new params add ObliterateFiscalReceiptWhithData to return number receipt, add OpenReceiptWhithFiscalNumber